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What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a profession that helps people take control of their life. A Life Coach is similar to other coaches; our objective is to help you improve your ability and enhance your skills so you can excel at achieving your desired goals. If you want to improve your soccer skills to score more, you seek the help of a soccer coach. When you want to improve your relationship with your children and need help understanding them better, you take comfort in the help of a Life Coach.

A Life Coach is a person who becomes your resource when you need help changing or improving an area of your life. Each person has goals and ambitions along with fears and challenges. It is in those moments of feeling stuck, uncertain, or incapable, when people choose to give up. Instead, make a call to your Life Coach and allow them to help you through the uncertainty so you can move forward towards success.

“Want to get great at something? Get a Coach!”
-Atul Gawande
Life Coaching sessions can help you improve your romantic, professional, and personal relationships.

Marital Conflict Resolution
One of your most important relationships is with your spouse. Coaching sessions can help the two of you regain trust and strengthen your marriage.

Personal Development
Life Coaching sessions can help you remain determined to achieve your personal goals by overcoming the obstacles that may arise during the process.

Coaching sessions can help you manage the emotional nature of divorce and provide direction on moving forward.

Parenting Challenges
Parenthood is filled with many joys and is not easy. Professional Life Coaching sessions help parents understand their children and strengthen their relationship.

Diabetes management requires constant effort. Coaching sessions can help you take control of your Diabetes and health.

Changes In Life (Life Transitions)
Life Coaching sessions can help you view change in a positive way.

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Is Life Coaching appropriate for me?

Life Coaching sessions are extremely beneficial to you if:
#1) You are looking for change and improvement. This could be in the form of a career change, achieving your personal goals, improving your relationships, or breaking and creating new habits, to name a few.
#2) AND you are ready to take the necessary steps to achieve it.

What happens during a coaching session?

Coaching is a process. Each session is your opportunity to speak with your coach regarding goals, ambitions, challenges, and concerns that are important to you. Your coach will listen intently to help guide and direct you. Coaching sessions are successful because they tailor to your specific needs and action plans are created to help you succeed.

How long are the coaching sessions?

After the initial consultation, coaching sessions are one-hour long.

What goals can Life Coaching help me with?

Life Coaching can help you stay focused, remain determined, and help you follow through with achieving your goals while managing any obstacles you may experience during the process. Goals related to relationships, personal development, marital conflict resolution, parenting challenges, divorce, Diabetes, and life transitions are areas in your life that Life Coaching can help you overcome and prosper in. For detailed information on what Life Coaching can do for you in each of these areas, please refer to the “Services” page.

How does Life Coaching differ from consulting?

A Life Coach and a consultant are similar in the sense that both provide professional services that are geared towards helping you achieve your goal. The most paramount difference is that a consultant will give you recommendations and solutions but leave you to fulfill them on your own. Your Life Coach will remain with you throughout the process of implementing changes and developing new skills to make sure you are successful in achieving your goals. It is one thing to receive the information and another to actually make those changes!

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